
How do you like socialism now!

Riots, riots, and more riots! Why is it that "peace" loving socialists go acting all infantile? In London, the news is filled with supposedly "grownup" students who have resorted to first-grade playground antics, protesting tuition hikes and thrashing about in a way that would make a three year-old toddler jealous. Well, the answer is simple. Socialists have no moral character.

Essentially, as a socialist you expect others (who have more material wealth...etc than you) to pay for the things that you have come to expect as a "right," and when the government runs out of other people's money by which they subsidize your "rights," you get mad, real mad. In addition, since you don't have to work hard for what is deemed as your "right," and since you have nothing but your "rights" to lose, you have no problem trashing others and their property because you have no respect - therefore the amoral character.

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