
The Commander of Fiscal-Insanity: Letting Washington Run Wild Again

Weekly Address: Letting Wall Street Run Wild Again
This past Saturday, the President delivered his Weekly Address to the nation. He entitled it "Letting Wall Street Run Wild Again." It was the typical "I am so great, the Republicans are so toxic" pontification that we have come to expect from the President.

Here is the a summary of the Weekly Address as stated on the White House website.

WASHINGTON – In this week’s address, President Obama called out the Republican leadership in Congress for vowing to repeal Wall Street reform, which will protect Americans from unfair practices in mortgage transactions and foreclosures.  The Wall Street reform law also set new rules so that taxpayers will never again be on the hook for a bailout if a big financial company goes under, helps rein in the secret deals and reckless gambling that nearly brought the financial system down, and set up the strongest consumer protections in history.  The special interests fought hard against reform, spending millions to preserve a system that worked better for them than for middle class families.  And now, the GOP leadership is calling for repealing this law and that would take the country backwards.

After I read the transcript of the speech and watched the video, I couldn't help but grow even more disgusted at Washington hypocrisy. Essentially the President is making a big deal out of having swept the garage floor while the house is burning down!

How so?

While I don't doubt that there were problems in the financial sector, brought on by the government through Fannie May, Freddie Mac, and Barney Frank & Company, just to highlight one example, in all reality, those problems pale in comparison to the real fiscal nightmare about to unleash itself.

While the President and his party are playing political football with our nation, our national debt is pegged at 13 trillion dollars and rising. Hello - anybody home in Washington? O, and by the way, this is the pretty side of the picture; should we start adding unfunded liabilities to this number?

Does this debt have to be paid back? Who has to pay for it? Why are we in debt in the first place?

Essentially, while our President plays politics, these numbers keep growing. And that is the point, our nation has a debt load because we have a deficit of leadership in Washington. We can all blame someone and somebody else for everything if we try hard enough, but Mr. President, that is not leadership. That's what big cry babies with big sob stories do. Our nation needs someone who is going to "buck up" and start taking some fiscal responsibility to address this ticking financial bomb. If we think that what we have is tough because of forced mortgage lending, an unregulated derivatives market, and greedy fatcats on Wall Street, just wait till the greed of fatcat politicians, their "unregulated" spending, and the resulting mandate for unfair taxation hits the fan. Have you ever wondered what it's like to live in a third world country? You just might get to know without having to buy a ticket from some government bailed-out airline.

Do you have $44,231.67 to give to Washington for every member in your family, including yourself? That's what 309,358,163 of us Americans are going to have to send in to Washington to bail-out our fiscally insane and leaderless politicians who got us into this mess. But, there is a better and cheaper option. Vote OUT any politician that lacks the guts to tackle this problem. It's a shame we have to wait two more years to get rid of the Commander of Fiscal-Insanity, but hey, maybe he will get a wake-up call on November 2nd. I'm certainly not going to hold my breath, I don't think the President's new Healthcare plan would be able to resuscitate me.

So, are we going to let Washington run wild? If you don't show up at the polls, please do your part and send in a check for $44,231.67 for each member in your family. Maybe then you will be motivated to help the rest of us fix this problem before we are standing next to each other in some soup line.

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