
Does The President Watch Glenn Beck?

OK, I had to laugh...the "White House Whiteboard?" Now anyone familiar with the Glenn Beck show on Fox News has seen Glenn Beck use a chalkboard to illustrate his point. (I think Glenn Beck is using actual chalk, not these environmentally caustic marker pens the White House is using.) Umm...this whiteboard thing looks like a cheap rip-off of the Glenn Beck show. But hey, if you can't beat'em, copy'em, right?

But on a more serious note, why should I trust a politician's visual explanation of perceived truth? After all, this is politics and these are politicians, and now we have a visual of what "politi-myth-matic" actually looks like. At the end of the day, the mixture of politicians and truth hasn't been doing so well, but, politicians and propaganda have.

Here is the reason why I don't believe a word of what the White House is saying. The reason is in the difference between propaganda and education. Propaganda tells me what to think. Education teaches me how to think. This picture is telling me what to think. This is nothing more than a classic picture of political propaganda.


The Heritage Foundation did an excellent job at slicing and dicing the propaganda.

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