
Give me a break of that Kit-Kat bar!

The other day I was standing in line at the grocery store waiting to pay for my groceries. The gal in front of me, grossly overweight, was having her groceries tallied up, and I noticed that she paid for her groceries with two separate transactions. The first transaction was paid for with food stamps. This transaction seemed to buy the "healthier" items. The second transaction was made with cash and appeared to buy junk food. Now, do I need a degree in "stupid-ology" to figure out what's wrong with this picture?

Let me be blunt; welfare, food stamps, government aid programs...etc, are no longer the embarrassment they used to be, because the character of this nation as a whole, is not what it used to be. There was a time when these types of programs were used as last resort to ward off something dramatic like starvation...etc, and in that sense, I don't have a problem with the idea of helping out - albeit, it should not be government.

This fat gal in front of me was shameless. It was clear she was not using the government aid as "last resort." Essentially, her food stamps were being used to finance her junk food. My guess is, she goes home to subsidized housing which finances her discretionary spending, turns on the heat with the help of heating assistance, and then goes to work on producing baby number six to bilk the system for all its worth! If this fat gal was actually serious about her situation, she would be losing weight because the cash she is spending on her junk food would be going toward the good calories. And instead of going home to work on baby number six, she would get the five kids she does have to bed, because she has to get up early the next morning to go to work. You see, someone has to pay for these kids because the loser of a dad they have is not around. O by the way, the government baby-sat her kids all day; it was called Head Start.

Now, to add insult to injury, the Democrats and Progressives tell these irresponsible people to vote for them because they will protect the programs. "After all, those Evil Conservatives are going to kick you out into the cold while they make all the money." How dare they oppose tax hikes! How dare they demand we cut spending to balance the budget! And so the Liberals keep these people held hostage to the "system" by exploiting human fear and our natural tendency to be lazy.

You see, this is how a minority of people end up paying the majority of taxes in this nation. This is how we encourage irresponsibility in the citizenry. This is how we end up with people showing up (bussed in of course) at a One Nation Working Together rally holding their socialist signs and calling for the abolishment of rich people, framing them as the enemies of evil.

So I have a question - why is it considered hateful for me to ask for a break of that kit-kat bar the fat gal is buying with my money? In other words, why am I the evil rich conservative for wanting some tax relief, for wanting the fat gal to have to pay for her food with her own cash (which she does have) instead of the food stamps I paid for with my taxes? Why isn't our government auditing and scrutinizing these "system" recipients, looking for abuse like what I saw in the grocery store?

The answer is simple; creating class warfare, although policy stupid, is politically smart. The Democrats and Progressives are pitting these "disenfranchised" and "entitlement minded" Americans against the hard working and prosperous Americans, that they might leverage for themselves more voter base, giving themselves in the end more power. They are not interested in responsible solutions to help this gal in front of me; they are using her - and she is all to shameless enough to be their pawn.

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