
Taxes, Taxes, and more Taxes

The White House Whiteboard
Putting aside the PMS of politics on this issue, let's ask ourselves a question. How would we feel if the government selectively targeted certain people and required them to pay more taxes than others...and you and I were part of that crowd? Would you feel it is right that you were singled out by the government and forced to pay more taxes than your neighbor, though you and your neighbor are equally American citizens? O, so it is OK that your neighbor has to pay more than you, but not OK if you have to pay more than your neighbor? In any other area of life, we would call this "racism" and hate. I haven't said anything about income levels yet, but since you're thinking that, what does income have to do with being more or less of an American citizen?

The point is this; it is just as "racist" to require Americans to pay more in taxes because of their "income levels" as it would be to require black people to pay more in taxes because their skin is black. A "rich" American is just as much an American as a "poor" American, and a "poor" American is just as much an American as a "rich" American. A white person is just as much a human being as a black person, and a black person is just as much a human being as a white person.

It's fairly obvious that many in the Democrat party are filled with "racism" and hate for those that make more money than others. America was not founded on the idea of leveling the playing field, but rather in giving everyone a playing field to start with - that playing field is called individual liberty, not a right to other's hard earned wealth. Why is it then, that those who have been more industrious with their liberty are targeted with higher tax rates than those who haven't? There isn't an answer to that question, because racist and hate filled people are not rational - their delusional. They say things like "it is time for the rich to step up to the plate and pay their fair share of taxes." Ok, then what about those that don't pay taxes - when do they pay their fair share? Are we not all equally Americans?

Now paying taxes is a good thing. We all enjoy the security of the world's best military, we all enjoy driving down smooth roads, and we all enjoy police, fire, rescue...etc. But, why do some have to pay more (taxes) for these protections and services than others? Maybe we should tier the level of protection and service for those that don't pay as much in taxes. O, but then we would be back to "racism" and hate. So why doesn't anyone ask the same questions, just in the other direction...and what is worse, why do the majority of Democrats and Progressives accuse those that do ask the questions as being filled with "racism" and hate? Maybe...just maybe...they are trying to cover for themselves so they are not exposed for who and what they really are.

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