
What part of "piece" don't we understand? Part 1

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Shortly after 9/11, the TVs all across America began to do something really strange. First, our TVs told us that the evil masterminds, and those that carried out the barbaric plots of 9/11, were of Islamic faith and practice. So, after months of intel gathering and planning, America went to war with Islam. However, here is the strange part; it seems like someone snuck into our homes and reprogrammed our TVs. Yes, those crazy screens are now telling us that Islam is a religion of peace and we are at war with extremism. Now, it does happen occasionally, but it's almost impossible to find a TV that will show a clear depiction of what life is really like in a nation where Islam is the religion and law of the land. Strange...huh?

Well, with the TVs acting so strange, I have an idea. Let's ask an Imam if Islam is a religion of peace. We do this in other areas of life. If we are wondering what a Democrat believes, we ask a Democrat. If we are wondering what a Republican believes, we ask a Republican. In other words, go to the source.

Now when you ask an Imam if Islam is a religion of peace, that strange behavior from our TVs begins to make total sense. How so? Well, whoever snuck into our homes in the middle of the night and reprogrammed them made one simple mistake. They spelled "peace" wrong. It's supposed to be "piece." In other words, Islam is a religion of "piece," a piece of the East, a piece of the West, until eventually their flag is flying over the White House!

If you don't believe me, listen to the cleric - he should know what he is talking about. Keep in mind, this was shown on one of the few remaining TVs that wasn't reprogrammed.

So what does this have to do with politics? Watch the version from one of the reprogrammed TVs.

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