
FAA loses track of 119,000 aircraft...yep, they did!

The government (FAA) can't seem to secure data on who owns what plane and what the registration numbers are. Of course this means that as a result, we don't know whether the sale/purchase of these planes went to law abiding people or criminals. We don't even know if the flight plans these planes file are legitimate!

But, don't worry, our government (TSA) has the best porno scanning devices in the world, taking pictures of us passengers - which they say will never be "lost." Really? O, did I forget to mention the TSA's enhanced groping procedures, of everyone from granny to grade schoolers, that will surely catch the terrorists, right? Meanwhile, the government can't tell who is flying what plane?

Is it me, or is there something wrong with this picture? The government (TSA) can grope and photo us, but they (FAA) don't know who is flying what plane?

How do you like socialism now!

Riots, riots, and more riots! Why is it that "peace" loving socialists go acting all infantile? In London, the news is filled with supposedly "grownup" students who have resorted to first-grade playground antics, protesting tuition hikes and thrashing about in a way that would make a three year-old toddler jealous. Well, the answer is simple. Socialists have no moral character.

Essentially, as a socialist you expect others (who have more material wealth...etc than you) to pay for the things that you have come to expect as a "right," and when the government runs out of other people's money by which they subsidize your "rights," you get mad, real mad. In addition, since you don't have to work hard for what is deemed as your "right," and since you have nothing but your "rights" to lose, you have no problem trashing others and their property because you have no respect - therefore the amoral character.


While the Terrorists Belly Laugh, America Fumes & Cries

Update: Here is a link providing the answer for the question posed at the bottom of the article.

Original Story:
Have the terrorists won another round against the American people? If you look at the results, I would say they have. How so? Let's answer this question with another question.

How many terrorists have the TSA caught with their porno-scanners and enhanced groping procedures? Are you ready for the grand total - zero! Not one terrorist has been caught. (But remember, this is government, performance results do not matter.)

How many innocent children, cancer survivors, and ladies wearing skirts been violated, and publicly humiliated with the porno-scanners and enhanced groping procedures? The answer to that is simple, just pick your favorite news channel and start counting the stories - they are everywhere.

The terrorists have got to be rolling around in their caves belly laughing this one out...while America lets their government literally violate innocent people. Again, how many terrorists have been caught? Zero.

Oh, by the way, if this is so good for the American people, shouldn't this be good enough for the politicians too? Are they standing in line, leading the way, or are they silent?

I thought this clip brought some common sense to the madness.


Cut the Fluff, the Fat, and the Bone

Across the nation, liberals and progressives have been sounding out a cry against balancing their budgets with proposed spending cuts. In the NYT yesterday, California (not the most fiscally brilliant State in the Union) was the latest to be highlighted with budget shortfall woes - again. As I read the Times' article, I had to shake my head in utter disgust at the fiscal illiteracy of some of California's politicians. Basically, while the State heads towards bankruptcy, which would then bankrupt the whole Union, California's politicians are squabbling like two and three year-olds all wanting to play with the same toy.

Now essentially there are two ways to settle budget shortfalls. You must cut spending, or increase revenues, which in a government setting, "increasing revenues" means raising taxes. (Unless you are the Federal Government, then you just print more money and devalue the currency.)

Option 1, Cut Spending in economically depressed times: Whether politicians like it or not, spending is the reason why there is a shortfall. If you don't spend money you don't have, you don't have a shortfall. Complicated...I know! The reality is simple, you can't have everything, and secondly, nothing is free. Of course the argument is that spending must occur because there are "essential services" that cannot be compromised. Says who? Again, you cannot have everything, and nothing is free. There are a lot of "essential services" that are nothing more than programs that mask the lack of personal responsibility in the citizenry and promise certain "classes" of people everything they want - all at the expense of debt, deficits, and budget shortfalls.

Option 2, Raise Taxes in economically depressed times: Of all the dumb things you hear politicians pontificate, this ranks at the top of non-brain usage. Let's demand that main street Americans give us more of their money. Never mind that main street Americans are trying to settle shortfalls in their own budgets because of the recession. That's right, let's take more wealth out of the struggling economy and give it to the idiots that produced the shortfalls in the first place! I'm sure they will get it right this time, right? Let's remind ourselves of something, it wasn't main street Americans that created this mess. It is the politicians that mismanaged the budget that created the mess, and now they expect those that had nothing to do with the mess to come in and clean it up? Wow, that is lunacy at it's best.

Unfortunately, while the social liberals and progressives fight against spending cuts, the budget keeps California on a steady march toward insolvency. The budget doesn't care who is from what party, who is rich and who is poor; the budget has no social progressive feelings. Did we not see that in Greece? The point is that unless politicians in California get their intellectual and fiscal act together, California is on track to being the next Greece styled meltdown.

Essentially it boils down to this; if you live beyond your means today, by default, you will live under your means tomorrow.


Universal Deathcare

Here is a good eye opener as to some of the reasons why Americans got rid of those that voted for Government Healthcare (Obamacare) in this last election. Yes, Americans understand for themselves what is good and what is bad.

So is this Government Healthcare good? By the time you watch this clip in it's entirety, you just may understand EXACTLY why the majority of Americans didn't want this from the start.

Until this monstrosity is repealed, don't get sick.


Miss the interview?

It is always most fascinating, especially in this age of soundbites and media spin, to hear a story first hand, straight from the source. I found the interview very honorable and befitting that of a President, and in a breath of fresh air, reminiscent of something we haven't seen in almost two years - Leadership. You can see the whole interview here.

Oh - and not once does Bush criticize his predecessor. It's too bad President Obama doesn't know how to exercise the same grace.

Part 1


We Noticed

Just prior to the elections, Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was lamenting that in her view, "Democrats haven't necessarily gotten the credit they're due for the work they've done the last two years." In other words, the American people haven't paid enough attention to us, especially for how hard we have worked!

It appears, however, that America was paying attention to what Nancy Pelosi was working on so hard, and by extension, the Democrat Party in general. We hadn't forgotten about Nancy's pledge to "drain the swamp" of corruption and run the most ethical House of Representatives in all history.

We hadn't forgotten about about Nancy's pledge of "pay as you go, no new deficit spending" and "not burden them with mountains of debt."

We hadn't forgotten about all the hard work that goes into producing several thousand page legislative bills that require "we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."

These are just three quick things that come to mind from over the last two years.

No, we hadn't forgotten how hard Nancy Pelosi and her gang worked to keep their word to us. We noticed. It's just too bad they didn't try harder, things might have been different today.

The American people might be gracious, but don't take us for stupid when we go to the polls.


Worth less than a free lunch?

Corrine Brown offers free meals for early voters.
There has been this trend going around in this election cycle of giving away free meals to voters. Might I add, to my knowledge, it's only been the Democrats doing this. The latest is Corrine Brown. So why do these incumbent Democrats feel the need to give away a free lunch to get their constituents to come vote?

The answer is simple. All of what they have accomplished up to this point isn't worth their own constituents time to come and bail them out. Think about it. If they would have accomplished something worth while, people would flock to re-elect them - but apparently that's not the case. So, the best they can muster is free lunch, which eventually will end up in the toilet. There is just nothing quite like incriminating yourself with your own actions.


Utter Hypocrisy-in-Chief

Weekly Address: Working Together on the Economy
As I read the transcript to the last President's Weekly Address, I had to ask myself just who this guy thinks he is, and who he thinks he is talking too. How the President could keep a straight face while giving this speech is indicative of the lack of respect he has for any American that thinks for themselves and/or has any cognitive abilities.

I have interjected my thoughts in italics throughout the President's speech. If you have ever seen someone yell at the TV, then hang on, because this might be considered a little bumpy by some.


What part of "piece" don't we understand? Part 2

Are we sure sure it is still okay, and safe to have a Mosque at ground zero, even though it is politically correct to embrace this "piece-full" religion (see Part 1)?

And why hasn't this guy been picked up yet?


What does the Constitution look like in Washington?

To any authentic, patriotic American, the United States Constitution looks like this.

However, to many politicians in Washington, the Constitution looks like this.

This is how the Constitution is being treated, torn apart, piece by piece; its being used to wipe the politicians clean of any restraint.

Perhaps on November 2nd, we can keep them from flushing our liberties down the toilet?


Harry Reid and Election Fraud - Already?

During early voting yesterday in the State of Nevada, something unusual began happening. Here is a quote from a voter as reported by the Washington Examiner.



The NYT reported yesterday on something that really reveals the heart of the President. I don't think the NYT realized...


The Commander of Fiscal-Insanity: Letting Washington Run Wild Again

Weekly Address: Letting Wall Street Run Wild Again
This past Saturday, the President delivered his Weekly Address to the nation. He entitled it "Letting Wall Street Run Wild Again." It was the typical "I am so great, the Republicans are so toxic" pontification that we have come to expect from the President.

Here is the a summary of the Weekly Address as stated on the White House website.

WASHINGTON – In this week’s address, President Obama called out the Republican leadership in Congress for vowing to repeal Wall Street reform, which will protect Americans from unfair practices in mortgage transactions and foreclosures.  The Wall Street reform law also set new rules so that taxpayers will never again be on the hook for a bailout if a big financial company goes under, helps rein in the secret deals and reckless gambling that nearly brought the financial system down, and set up the strongest consumer protections in history.  The special interests fought hard against reform, spending millions to preserve a system that worked better for them than for middle class families.  And now, the GOP leadership is calling for repealing this law and that would take the country backwards.

After I read the transcript of the speech and watched the video, I couldn't help but grow even more disgusted at Washington hypocrisy. Essentially the President is making a big deal out of having swept the garage floor while the house is burning down!

How so?


An Extreme Policy that Needs Abortion

Video Below
Recently there has been a lot of chatter about a Pro-Life Ad that is making it's rounds.  Many on the progressive left are criticizing the "Shock and Awe" of the Ad. Now certainly it seems a bit "shocking" on the surface, but when you compare this Ad to current reality, it is a lazy stroll through the park. And that is not meant to belittle the Ad.

Take a look at the Ad for yourself...



Tea Party Protest, Washington D.C. September 12, 2009
Are you Tea'd-Up with hearing the constant barrage of insults and attacks leveled at the Tea Party? It's almost become common place to hear the words Tea Party interchanged with words like extremism, radicals, racists, and forces of evil. I guess we shouldn't be too surprised. If former President Bill Clinton will suggest that half of the nation needs a shrink (see video below), and then our current President indicates that half of the nation is scared, not thinking straight, and therefore may vote Republican on November 2nd, hey...why not, let's drag the Tea Party through the deepest mud pits we can find!

With all the un-sportsmanship and un-statesmanship like conduct of the progressive left, just what the Tea Party movement is all about has certainly been muddied. And it hasn't helped to have a media that goes along with it - well, except for that...


A Critique of the President's Weekly Address from October 16th, 2010

Weekly Address from October 16th, 2010
Once again the President sounds so good in front of the camera with a teleprompter. I can't tell you how much I have wanted to take at face value what the President says; it sounds so good. However, beneath the veil is reality - a reality that if most people knew of, wouldn't give this President a dime's worth of their attention.

So, I have tried cutting through the veil. My remarks are interjected where appropriate. The speech is italicized.


Are Prosperous Americans a threat to Democracy?

Wall Street Bull
In a recent interview with MTV, the President indicated that a group called "Americans for Prosperity" were a threat to our Democracy. Now I am so sorry, but when I saw this, I couldn't stop my mind from racing to the thought, "I wonder if the President is against prosperous Americans." Sure, I realize I am using a play on words here, but it sure seems like the President is against both groups.

For example, the President just can't seem to grasp why Americans making over 250,000 dollars a year want to keep their money, instead of having one of the most inefficient distribution channels in the world (Government) commandeer their wealth and spread it around to those who didn't earn it. I think if the President could have his way, he would tax these prosperous Americans until they start sending lint from their pockets in with their tax returns. At least then...


Is the President sending American jobs overseas?

Certainly the events of the Deepwater Horizon explosion, which resulted in the loss of life and oil spilling into the Gulf waters, was a tragic accident. (By the way, as a side note, why did we see and hear more news on the birds and turtles suffering from the oil slick than we did on the families that lost loved ones and livelihoods?) Of course, this accident most likely would not have happened had the many layers of government regulators been doing their jobs. Additionally tragic, is the loss of jobs and economic activity due to the outrageous ban on oil production in the Gulf. (There is nothing quite like making private industry pay for the Government's ineptness) Why hasn't mainstream media broadcast in bold the 36 rigs in the Gulf of Mexico that have been put out of work, or the five rigs that have left for Egypt and other parts of Africa, and the roughly 8,000 to 12,000 jobs lost?


Give me a break of that Kit-Kat bar!

The other day I was standing in line at the grocery store waiting to pay for my groceries. The gal in front of me, grossly overweight, was having her groceries tallied up, and I noticed that she paid for her groceries with two separate transactions. The first transaction was paid for with food stamps. This transaction seemed to buy the "healthier" items. The second transaction was made with cash and appeared to buy junk food. Now, do I need a degree in "stupid-ology" to figure out what's wrong with this picture?


Taxes, Taxes, and more Taxes

The White House Whiteboard
Putting aside the PMS of politics on this issue, let's ask ourselves a question. How would we feel if the government selectively targeted certain people and required them to pay more taxes than others...and you and I were part of that crowd? Would you feel it is right that you were singled out by the government and forced to pay more taxes than your neighbor, though you and your neighbor are equally American citizens? O, so it is OK that your neighbor has to pay more than you, but not OK if you have to pay more than your neighbor? In any other area of life, we would call this "racism" and hate. I haven't said anything about income levels yet, but since you're thinking that, what does income have to do with being more or less of an American citizen?


What part of "piece" don't we understand? Part 1

Video Below
Shortly after 9/11, the TVs all across America began to do something really strange. First, our TVs told us that the evil masterminds, and those that carried out the barbaric plots of 9/11, were of Islamic faith and practice. So, after months of intel gathering and planning, America went to war with Islam. However, here is the strange part; it seems like someone snuck into our homes and reprogrammed our TVs. Yes, those crazy screens are now telling us that Islam is a religion of peace and we are at war with extremism. Now, it does happen occasionally, but it's almost impossible to find a TV that will show a clear depiction of what life is really like in a nation where Islam is the religion and law of the land. Strange...huh?


The Game of Blame

Video Below
It certainly seems like the only thing the President knows how to do well, is blame everything on everyone else. Mostly that everyone else is the Republican party, no surprise. In fact, he is still blaming the Bush Administration, even though the Bush Administration has been out of office for almost two years. Of course we all know that mastering the craft of blame is a mark of truly great statesmanship...right?


"One Nation" - Really?

Video Below
So there is the really... really... really... big, but sparsely attended rally today called "One Nation." Just a few short thoughts here...a rally doesn't speak for the whole nation. I am not sure if these people thought about that, but it looks like they didn't. But then, maybe they think of themselves as their own little nation. Second, what kind of people does a rally like this attract?

Watch the answer for yourself.

"Forces of Evil - The Conservatives"

Video Below
It amazes me at how much then candidate Barack Obama, promised on the campaign trail, to bring change should he get elected. In fact, he indicated that one of the big changes he would bring to Washington was that of unity. It sounds absolutely hilarious now to even ponder that, but back then, people thought he was for real. What people didn't realize, but is now obvious, is that unity with the President and the left is only attainable when those who disagree learn to agree and go along with everything. In other words, the President and the left view unity, not as something achieved through consensus from both sides of the issue, but rather by blaming, badgering, and demonizing those who have a different point of view (Healthcare bill for example). In the end, that approach leads to polarization, not unity.

Now some would argue that the President is just inexperienced and lacks the ability to lead this great nation. I would argue that the President knows well how to lead, and the kind of leadership we see is actually true to his nature. In fact, his leadership is so good, that he has the left lined up right where he wants them, saying what he wants them to say. Because at the end of the day, if the President was interested in unity, instead of pitting the right against the left, his students like talking head Ed Schultz, wouldn't be calling conservatives the forces of evil. By the way, I liked Ed Schultz when he was a college football announcer - he should have never quit his day job.

Does The President Watch Glenn Beck?

OK, I had to laugh...the "White House Whiteboard?" Now anyone familiar with the Glenn Beck show on Fox News has seen Glenn Beck use a chalkboard to illustrate his point. (I think Glenn Beck is using actual chalk, not these environmentally caustic marker pens the White House is using.) Umm...this whiteboard thing looks like a cheap rip-off of the Glenn Beck show. But hey, if you can't beat'em, copy'em, right?

But on a more serious note, why should I trust a politician's visual explanation of perceived truth? After all, this is politics and these are politicians, and now we have a visual of what "politi-myth-matic" actually looks like. At the end of the day, the mixture of politicians and truth hasn't been doing so well, but, politicians and propaganda have.

Here is the reason why I don't believe a word of what the White House is saying. The reason is in the difference between propaganda and education. Propaganda tells me what to think. Education teaches me how to think. This picture is telling me what to think. This is nothing more than a classic picture of political propaganda.


The Heritage Foundation did an excellent job at slicing and dicing the propaganda.


Made In The U.S.A.

Here at POLITICRITIQUE, we are proud to be American. We are proud to speak English. We are proud of our Citizenship. Liberty is not made in China. Liberty is not defended with the blood of illegal aliens. Liberty does not bow in the presence of world dictators. Liberty does not apologize to the world for her freedom and prosperity.

Liberty is not cheap, she never goes on sale, and she cannot be purchased with food stamps, jobless benefits, and bailouts. Liberty’s currency is blood, the blood of patriots, and patriots are not ashamed or afraid of her cost. If Liberty was free for the taking, every nation would have her, and freedom would be a commodity. But freedom is expensive, and Liberty is discriminating. Those not willing to pay Liberty’s price will remain shackled with the chains of tyranny, socialism, and slavery. You cannot forever spit on Liberty, burn her flag, run from her demands, apologize for her greatness, and steal from her treasures - in time, she will leave.

Liberty is precious, as precious as her soldiers draped in the colors of her flag; as precious as grief laden tears that flow from loved ones and friends left behind; as precious as an old photograph, worn around the edges, that brings back the memories of those that had the courage to pay Liberty’s price. Yes, we are proud to be American. We are proud of the Red, White, and Blue. We are proud to pledge our allegiance to the flag. We are proud to cross our hearts and take our hats off when Liberty’s anthem is played. We are proud to be one nation under God. We are proud to stand and not bow. We are proud and will not apologize. Liberty, to any patriot, is just too precious to be dishonored and forgotten.

In the eyes of a patriot, soldiers that come home having paid Liberty’s price, whether physical, mental, or emotional; they are not suspected as terrorists. To the patriot, politicians that bow, and apologize to the world for Liberty’s freedom and prosperity, are traitors to Liberty and her price paid; that price represented at Arlington National Cemetery, by every soldier’s grave that honors our soil, and of all those who never came home. To the patriot, the same crowds that ran from Liberty’s demands, yet in the name of Liberty’s freedom, demonstrate and burn her colors; they are abhorrent, dishonorable, and despicable.

Yes, we are proud to be American. We are proud to speak English. We are proud of our Citizenship. We will not forget the soldiers that bought our freedom. We will not trample on their sacrifice with apologies. We will not dishonor their bravery and courage by bowing. We are proud to be American. We are Americans.

The Rationer-in-Chief Cometh

Once again, President Obama has gone behind the closed doors of recess appointments (more than Bush at this point), to appoint Donald Berwick administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Didn’t the president say his administration would be about transparency, from day one? I wonder why the closed doors?

The answer is simple, there is an agenda that needs to be advanced and the American people, if they knew anything about this new Rationer-in-Chief, would stand in the way of that agenda (something else the President said he wouldn’t do, starting day one). Granted, while electing Barack Obama as President wasn’t one of the brightest moments in our nation’s history, we have learned a few things. So, why would the American people have stood in the way of the President’s agenda?

In short, just be thankful your not old and/or sick, though we will all get there someday. Our President’s Healthcare Reform is all about control, through coverage, not care. Healthcare coverage lives and breaths on effective cost controls, not concern for the sick. As the costs of Obamacare start to rise, not fall as the President has said, and as the American people become more aware of the problems our national debt poses, President Obama needs a cost control/rationing tool to help him make his healthcare agenda work. What better person for that job than Mr. Donald Berwick.

Who is Mr. Donald Berwick, our new Rationer-in-Chief? Mr. Donald Berwick is a Harvard professor and pediatrician who has won many endorsements from most of the major medical societies. With that out of the way, who is Mr. Donald Berwick, really? Well, here is something he has said, “I am romantic about the NHS. I love it,” and “Most people who have serious pain do not need advanced methods; they just need the morphine and counseling that have been around for centuries.” Are you wondering what the NHS is, this organization that Mr. Donald Berwick is so romantically in love with? This next article really puts all the pieces of the puzzle together for us. However, before you read the article, let’s ask ourselves a question. Didn’t Barack Obama, when he was running for President, say in a debate, that if we wanted to know what he (Barak Obama) thought about certain issues, we could get a good idea by looking at those he has surrounded himself with? OK, here is a good idea of what the NHS is all about. NHS scandal: dying cancer victim was forced to pay.

Please don’t get sick.